
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What Do You Cherish Most About Your Writing?

Do you write for yourself, to get published, or a combination of both? Or for a different reason?

Writing a novel is therapeutic for most of us, no doubt about it. We may not think of it that way when we start out. We might just have an idea that seems great, or fun, or powerful. But sure enough, once we get into it and get hooked, we discover that, somehow or other, we are working through concepts that are important to us. The writing itself is making us laugh, cry, search our souls, and feel lots of feelings. Whether it's great writing or not, it has value for us.

It's a journey in itself. Is that enough? What about the joy of knowing our work might be meaningful to others if we get published? And then, of course, there's the ever elusive wealth and fame.

What is the journey for you? What do you cherish most about your writing?


  1. I think I've always written for myself. Whatever it was. If I could not find something I wanted to read, I would write it.

    The writing has always been "tharaputic" but I keep a journal for the really flawed me LOL!

    If there's something I can say that I cherish about writing is that it is seeing my ideas, those scenes, the dialogue that's all in my head down on a page... and it's all me/mine. No one else's.
    Interesting question, Linda!

    1. I love that, Lorelei--if you couldn't find something good to read, you'd write it. Yup, you are a writer forever. And I couldn't agree more--it's fabulous to have something you produce that is all your own.

  2. I write to amuse myself. Making stuff up makes me happy. ^_^

    1. Ah, that's perfect, Angelina. If being happy isn't the point, what is??

  3. While I wrote many stories to amuse myself (stories that I hope no one else will ever see), I'm writing for publication now. But as always, I try to write the type of book I would want to read.
    Writing always takes me on a journey. I enjoy crossing every threshold with my characters, seeing what makes them tick or grow.

    1. Sometimes I think we writers are the luckiest people in the world, Lin. Life isn't long enough to live all the lives we'd like to, but we've found a way . . . crossing that threshold, as you say. :)

  4. Linda, I'm actually about what it means to others when they read my work. Of course I would love to be rich and famous... but not for what it can give "me" but the opportunities it will open to do more for others. But the core of "why"is 100% the message. This is a great question we should all ask ourselves.

    1. Being all about the message is a truly beautiful place to be as a writer, Karlene. Your passion shines through.
